Rating: 5 out of 5.

This week, Doves; the alternative rock band hailing from Manchester, made up of frontman Jimi Goodwin (lead vocals/bass) and twin brothers Jez Wiliams (Guitar/ vocals) and Andy Williams (drums/ vocals), release their highly anticipated sixth studio album Constellations For The Lonely.

Initially formed in 1988 as a moderately successful dance act who were intertwined in the expanse of Manchester’s rave scene. However, when disaster struck and their studio burnt down in 1996, taking all their records with it. leading to a musical transcendence due to the pressure’s of the experience. Releasing The Last Broadcast in 2002, this euphoric album was met with instant commercial and critical success, the following summer Doves headlined the Other Stage on the final night of Glastonbury. In Spring 2005, the band released their third album, Some Cities which featured the single Black and White Town, a colossal success and still remains the Doves most popular song with a staggering 40 million streams to date. 2009 saw the release of Kingdom of Rust which the band supported with a tour, followed by a greatest hits album. A large gap in the Doves discography then followed as the band took a break from recording, Jimi Goodwin stated in an interview, “We have nothing else in the vaults now. That is it. Whatever we do from now on will be a new start.” In 2020 the Doves released new music for the first time in 10 years, the album The Universal Want charted to number 1 on release week. 

 Doves (credit: Brian David Stevens)

Five years have passed and that brings us to the much anticipated Constellations For The Lonely which bestows upon us ten tracks of symphonic virtuosity. Stories are told, truths are brought to light and ears are pleasured, the Doves sixth album had staggeringly high expectations to meet, luckily for us they brought a crane. 

The curtains are heaved open to revealRenegade‘, an incredibly reflective track that sets a scene of ambition for the rest of the album. The vocals provided by Jimi, Jez and Andy work as a unified force that pierce through your speakers, blended with sporadic bursts of guitar and drum symphonies that shreds your soul. The opening to Constellations For The Lonely is what I can only describe as sonic transcendence. ‘Cold Dreamingis certainly deserving of its title, it is an ethereal experience. Jez and Andy’s vocals are like nectar, paired with the instrumental masterclass that has properties of levitation. It is a track that draws from psychedelic blues and experimental funk, the song deserves to be the backing track to a dream sequence in a film; think of The Big Lebowski and its wild bowling scene.

In The Butterfly Housedraws you into something you do not want to escape from, it gives off the feeling of a flow state. As a listener you are caught in a trance, like a butterfly in a net. If this particular track were an object it would be a kaleidoscope gifted by a mystic at a fair; you do not quite understand what you have in front of you but you know it is special – and must be treasured. ‘Strange Weatheracts as the previous track’s older brother, it seems developed and more mature. If you close your eyes whilst listening you can feel yourself floating further and further away from the familiarity of land, as earthly pressures are released all you can do is tip your hat to the Doves for granting you this state of melodic elevation.A Drop In The Oceanis the kind of song you cannot help but sway too. It feels more tangible compared to the two previous tracks that are seemingly from mars. The lyrics are loaded, you feel the vocals ricochet around your body but you are not concerned for internal damage, the song reassures you through the strum of a guitar. 

Doves cement their ambition through the next trackLast Year’s Man‘. It is a story of acceptance that reimburses homage to anybody the Doves have ever drawn inspiration from. Guitars are shredded, drums are battered and a harmonica is brought to life in this orchestral masterclass. It is the kind of song that defines an album. ‘Stupid Schemesthen follows and blesses its listeners with a guitar solo that momentarily decimates any concerns you may face in life. There is a message woven into the track to not let others strip you of your integrity. If you are a parent I urge you to play this for your children; I guarantee a lesson on life will be taught. Just as you think Doves have well and truly outdone themselves, ‘Saint Teresacomes on and you fall to your knees. This track was written to be echoed in a concert hall. It is a song that communicates the lust for adoration, the narrator yearns to be dreamt of – it is beautiful and it is raw. Listen to ‘Saint Teresa’ with your eyes shut, head back and arms wide open. 

Orlandois the penultimate track of the album and it is as if you were listening to a man, locked in a room which has no key, singing his heart out with no intention of ever being heard. He is singing because he can and because nothing can stop him. The song has a haunting aura that you fall in love with. Constellations For The Lonely concludes itself with ‘Southern Bell‘, a song with undertones of gospel that acts as a promise to grab life by the collar and take everything you want from it. It is again, incredibly reflective, a recurring theme for the Doves this album, a guitar provides a stripped back approach which only accents the viscous outbursts that leave a lasting impression long after the album finishes. 

Constellations For The Lonely is far more than an album; it is an experience. A melodic journey that defines its protagonist and shapes them through lessons that the Doves preach through their instruments. From start to finish the band climb higher and higher, after each track you think – this must be it, there is no way for Jimi, Jez and Andy to top the song you just heard. However, when you expect the descent to begin a guitar twangs, a drum bangs and higher they go. Constellations For The Lonely is met with standing ovation after standing ovation to the point where you forget you ever had a chair. 

Constellations For The Lonely will be released via EMI North this Friday 28th February. You can pre-order a copy now:

Additionally, the band sets out on 16 UK-wide date starting at Glasgow’s SWG3 today, Tuesaday 25 February. Most shows are completely SOLD OUT, however, you can check remaining availability here:
