It’s become apparent that since releasing an album every year between 2019-2021, creating and performing music is something the lads of Red Rum Club were born to do. Whilst some would categorise the band into the emerging indie/ rock genre, in my opinion they’re building a sound like no one before them – a sound so unique it’s completely addictive. With an astonishing live reputation for their stylish ferocity on stage – it comes as no surprise their fourth album ‘Western Approaches’ is gathering the hype and anticipation it has.

Opening with the titular track ‘Western Approaches’, the morse code instrumental sets a chilling atmosphere for the record and in dot-dash-dot form cleverly spelling out ‘Red Rum Club Western Approaches’; an extremely clever and creative nod to the aesthetic of the album, incorporated brilliantly into the deep grooves of the record. Seamlessly following into the second track, ‘Godless‘ explodes from the path of ‘Western Approaches‘ mixing fantastic timbres of brass and mighty guitars with the soft tones of Doran’s fantastic vocals. The fiery nature of ‘Godless‘ is matched perfectly with fan-favourite single ‘Black Cat’, meteoric and untamed; there is nothing you cannot love about this beast of a track.

The high energy built up in the first half of the record is not lost in the second. Recent single ‘Hole In My Home‘ captures everything Red Rum Club do well. Big melodic chorus and foot tapping rhythms. Flowing into the breathtaking stripped back acoustic number ‘Last Minute‘, this and it’s successor ‘Houdini‘ shine the torch on the quality of songwriting and titillating vocal tones of singer Fran Doran. ‘Daisy‘ and ‘Alive‘ picks up the momentum again. Interweaving the Western twist throughout the album through big band orchestration; there’s a consistent ambience retained from start to finish. Final forte ‘Jigsaw Shores’ completes the show on a climatic high – evidential that these tracks will go down a treat in the arenas the Liverpool lads plan on selling out.

Red Rum Club

‘It feels like there’s more of a demand for us than ever’ says lead singer Fran Doran smiling. ‘There have been little signs, like selling out our US tour warm-up gig at The Cavern in 45 seconds, where we think there’s a proper buzz around this album. Before, I think we were a band people were pleasantly surprised by – they’d see us at a festival and go: ‘Oh, they’re actually really good!’ Enough people have given us a try and liked us that there’s a real need for Red Rum Club now, rather than people saying: ‘I guess I’ll give them a listen.’’’

Responding to fans’ hunger for more from Red Rum Club, the band have their first ever arena show in the pipeline at Liverpool’s M&S Bank Arena on the 5th April 2024 – where 11,000 fans will experience a once in a lifetime performance from the band and have the opportunity to enjoy the new album in all its glory.

Available to stream from the 24th of February 2024, the 4th studio album from Red Rum Club is now yours – with the world of Western Approaches at your feet ready to enter.

