Jamming together since their college days are Portsmouth based indie band SINS. Having released their debut single Head in the Sand back in 2020, the quartet dropped their debut EP Algorithms almost a year ago to positive critical acclaim. Melodic indie pop with a post punk infusion, SINS bring an eclectic ambience both recorded and on stage. With radio airplay across different BBC radio platforms, supporting the likes of Circa Waves and selling out their own headline shows, SINS are worth checking out.

Having entered the Lakefest Amped Competition (which will see the winner awarded £5K and a main stage slot at this year’s Lakefest) SINS fought their way down from over 500 entries to become semi-finalists in our London showcase. Unfortunately they didn’t progress to the grand finale but like all other semi-finalists they will still play Lakefest’s Amped Stage later this summer.
We had the chance to chat to the band about their experience and this is what they had to say.

How would you describe your sound in three words?

Meaningful, Original , Diverse

Shortlisted from 543 artists down to just 25 – how did that feel?

Pretty great to be honest! Festival applications are such a minefield and there are so many artists in the hat for each, it feels great to gain recognition and make it this far in the Amped competition.

Most competitions have only one winner, were you shocked to find out there was also an opportunity to play the Amped stage?

We felt this was a really good edge to the competition, as it’s provided a platform for those who were successful enough to make it this far, in still having the chance to play the festival. Usually it’s 542 artists who’re disappointed, so it’s nice to have 25 gaining something from the competition! It’ll also be a good vibe as so many of the bands interacted during the shows, so it’ll have a good spirit to the weekend on the Amped stage.

You are playing the Amped stage – what can festival goers expect from your set?

High energy, originality, and the after set feeling of ‘I’ve just discovered my favourite new band’.

Who is one band/artist you want to catch at Lakefest?

Johnny Marr

Who stood out for you at the semi final?

The quality of all the acts

Of all the bands competing who would you like to see win the prize?

That’s a difficult one, as we haven’t seen all of the artists. But, if our gig was anything to go by, there will be some worthy winners in there.

What else have you got planned as a band this year?

We’re gearing up to release our next single, ahead of our biggest headline show to date, at The Wedgewood Rooms in August. So, Saturday August 5th, Portsmouth, it’s a big one! Not to forget Lakefest of course! It’ll be a busy couple of months for us.

One track of yours that everybody should listen to?


If we see you at the bar, what you having?

Asahi! Our favourite beer, we’ve almost used it as a mascot over time.


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