Making their summer festival debut at TRNSMT this month were Glasgow’s very own Bottle Rockets. Having had the pleasure of exclusively chatting to Kenzi (vocals) and Sam (drums) after Bottle Rockets were crowned as BBC Introducing Scottish Act of The Year 2024 (SOATY) in March.

Part of the ‘prize’ as the winner was the opportunity to play Scotland’s biggest music festival: TRNSMT of course! Just an hour or so after that stage appearance at day 2 on the River Stage we caught back up with Bottle Rockets, where we are joined by the whole band Kenzi (vocals), John (guitar), Sam (drums) and Andrew (bass).

Kenzi Murray – Bottle Rockets (Hope Simmers/Northern Exposure)

It’s so good to be chatting to you guys again! How was playing TRNSMT?

Kenzi: It was so fun, wasn’t it?

Sam: it was so fun. It’s amazing to be here.

Kenzi: we had such a good turn out as well. We really didn’t know what to expect, that’s always the thing with festivals. [It] got me up out my bed early for once (laughs), I work nights, well kind of, and I was like nooo! I had to be up at like 8.

What time were you guys on?

Kenzi: We were on at 1pm but we had to be here at like 10/11am, so 3 hours before. But obviously worth it.

But it must have been nice to finally have that moment?

Kenzi: oh yeah, the whole thing is like so cool.

So how has your life changed since winning the prize?

John: I think we’re still just the same shy, anxious band we always were, just with more drive and motivation. It’s lovely to get that approval from even our family and friends who have always supported us. So it’s lovely to have that moment back in March. Nothing’s changed in the sense that we’ve not changed but we’re more determined than ever.

Kenzi: Just having more people getting to hear our music is really cool.

Do you feel pressured then to keep that up?

Kenzi: absolutely, 100%! Being in the Glasgow scene everybody is so close; we personally know at least 4 other bands here today anyway on the smaller stages. Everybody is so lovely to each other, it’s a great community but at the same time, when you win something, suddenly all eyes are on you. Like, what have they done to deserve that? Lets keep an eye on them. But it’s good, it’s all good pressure.

You have had other opportunities derive from winning though. Reading and Leeds to name but one. That’s a good one!

Sam: Yeah we’re buzzing about that one. Like so many bands have started out there.

And with it being the BBC Introducing stage, that brings quite a draw with it anyway.

Kenzi: yeah and I think having a bigger stage like that in England is pretty cool as well. Obviously we’re doing both Reading & Leeds. So Reading on Saturday then Leeds on Sunday.

We’ll be at Leeds so we will make sure to come see you guys!

Your last single ‘Winter Baby‘ was out just before you won SAOTY so what’s happening with new music?

John: Yeah something, we have something in our catalogue that we kind of have ready to go out. We played it today and played in first in the O2 Academy too when we supported Twin [Atlantic]. That was amazing!

Kenzi: We’re starting to write our debit EP so…

I was actually going to ask, should we expect an EP soon?

Kenzi: Yeah for sure! I think we’re all feeling the pressure of it and want it to be perfect. We want it to be what we intended. I think after the festivals that we’ll do one or two shows, but then we’re going to hunker down and get right in the space for it.

Have you got anything else lined up though, festival wise? 

Kenzi: Tenement Trail

John: Belladrum too! We played Tenement Trail last year, but it’s out first year at Belladrum.

You were out on the Barrowlands stage last year though! Do you know where you’ll be this year?

Kenzi: I don’t know actually, but I think we’re on the BBC Introducing stage and we’re not exactly sure where that is??

I think was the Barrowlands 2 last year?

John: yeah so I think it’ll be there or maybe somewhere else.

Kenzi: all our friends and family went to the Tenement Trail last year and loved it. They genuinely had the best time.

Do you know something, it’s actually one of my highlights of the year!

Kenzi: so do we! We loved it. Sometimes I get quite anxious over these things but Tenement Trail was just such nice vibes.

Today you are here as performers but are you going to stay about?

Kenzi: I think it’s just today we’re staying?

John: Yeah I’m at a wedding tomorrow, unfortunately (laughs)

Kenzi: So like yesterday we missed the likes of The Last Dinner Party and we missed the Sugababes – I was gutted about that! Majesty Palm are playing tomorrow too. We love Majesty Palm and obviously they were were up against us for SOATY.

Yeah, they already had this one in the bag, didn’t they??

Kenzi: Yeah exactly! They are amazing and they had this. They will go really far.

Is there anybody who you are looking forward to seeing today though?

Sam: ehh…Rick Astley

Kenzi: is he maybe playing right now?

Sam: No, that’s the vaccines.

Kenzi: Natasha bedingfield as well. Iconic, 2000’s vibes.

Sam: Gallus, The Courteeners…as much as we can really.

Kenzi: I really wanted to go see ili as well. She’s a proper pop girlie. We met her in the green room and she’s lovely.

But you’re a proper pop girly aren’t you?

Kenzi: yess!! Yes I am!

Anybody else you want to catch today? Caity Baser is playing soon.

Kenzi: aww yess! I love her! I was actually going to go see her with my mum but she was working at we couldn’t do it!

I’ll wrap up though with a final question – the best thing about Glasgow is?

Kenzi: I would say the community. It’s so clichè from Glasgow but it’s true. I have been and I have lived in different places, a but it’s never the same as Glasgow. I always got homesick, there’s nowhere like Glasgow.

John: Again, a bit of a clichè answer, but I’m going to go with the music. It’s an amazing music scene and even the venues; like they’re so famous, King Tuts, Sleazy’s, Stereo…stuff like that. It’s a great culture.

Kenzi: the audiences in Glasgow are of course, famously good.

Sam: yeah, I mean I agree with all that, but it’s the grittiness but almost not? Everybody is just so nice in Glasgow, well most (laughs), there’s always one or two. I think it’s got like a gritty sort of our core, but on the inside it’s the best place around.

Andrew: I think in Glasgow like every gig, there’s always a great atmosphere. Sometimes when you watch gigs elsewhere you can see there’s a difference. Everybody is always just so up for it. Like even here today, there’s kids going crazy, [putting] their heart and soul into it.

Early Bird weekend tickets are on sale now with payment plans available too.

More TRNSMT coverage available HERE!

Andrew, Sam, John, Kenzi (Bottle Rockets) and Anne (NE)
