California’s The Story So Far are back after six years with their first new music since 2018’s ‘Proper Dose’. In the intervening years, the band have been through several personal challenges that life has thrown at them – not to mention a pandemic! – and have had to prioritise other things over their music, though they’ve pointed out that sometimes you need to go through these things to get where you want to go, and this is represented in their latest album.

I Want To Disappear hits the ground running with the sense of urgency many have come to expect from The Story So Far since 2007, while also showcasing a new found maturity in their song-writing and sound. Opener ‘All This Time‘ is a punchy pop punk affair, focussing on a doomed relationship that’s lingering on, with some great guitar riffs and is quickly followed up by ‘Watch You Go‘, a juggernaut of a song which feels like a call back to TSSF’s early sound akin to 2011’s Under Soil And Dirt or 2013’s What You Don’t See.

Credit: Eric Soucy

Things slow down a little on the next couple of tracks, ‘Letterman‘ and ‘Jump The Gun‘, taking a more emo pop punk approach with some cracking lyrics and some great overlapping vocals at the end of the latter song: “So if you’re done then get out, leave me on my own, I’ll figure it out”.

Nothing To Say‘ ramps things back up with it’s melodic hardcore sound, feeling a lot like pop punk contemporaries Neck Deep while ‘You’re Still In My Way’ is destined to become a summer anthem in the future with it’s upbeat, summery sound and lyrics about lamenting what could have been said. ‘Keep You Around‘ on the other hand is a great rock anthem that goes huge in it’s choruses: “How will I get through this? Shield myself in the colour of your lightning”, and has an excellent break down.

The Story So Far dial things back on the last two tracks on the album, with the melancholy ‘White Shores’ and acoustic title track ‘I Want To Disappear’ closing things off.

It’s a solid album overall if a little unevenly paced and will sit well with the rest of The Story So Far’s discography, bringing a raw intensity to what’s come before. It will likely bring in some new fans but will surely please the bands long-time followers.

The Story So Far are due to tour the UK this coming October, including headlining Manchester’s Outbreak Festival.

I Want To Disappear releases on 21st June via Pure Noise Records – Preorder/Buy HERE

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