By Shona Hoey

SON Estrella Galicia’s ‘Alternative Escape’ opening evening ‘Escape From The Albert’ in Brighton did not disappoint. With great drinks, food, and music, everyone went away with a smile on their face and a pep in their step.

The evening kicked off with an impressive set by PROJECTOR who were full of punky energy, tacos from Carlito Burrito, and the grit of modern life. Showcasing hits such as ‘Tastes Like Sarah’ from their debut album ‘NOW WHEN WE TALK IT’S VIOLENCE’ which left the crowd begging for more.

Brighton’s own Garage Rock trio Currls were only too happy to oblige, taking the mantle and running with it. In their own words, they “did not come to play, they came to fight the cause”. With Palestinian Liberation being very much at the forefront of people’s minds, there’s even a ‘Free Palestine‘ motif on the drums. Their songs such as ‘Nerve’ and ‘Let Down’ are indictments of modern society given in the best way possible – catchy scuzzy riot pop choruses.

Finally Swim Deep took to the stage performing their new single ‘Very Heaven’ and fan favourite ‘Fueiho Boogie’. Their passion for their music shone through, and it was clear the audience felt it too. It was refreshing to see a line-up with more than just men in it – something grassroots music is often lacking – and to see them absolutely rock everyone’s world was inspiring.

It’s clear that SON Estrella Galicia know how to throw an awesome party, so their next gig is sure to be an absolute hit.

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