LIVE Review – Modernlove rock the roof off a packed out London Scala

By Hannah Claire

Modernlove rocked the roof off Scala at their packed-out London show on Wednesday evening. 

Photo Credit Hannah Claire

The group of childhood friends Barry Lally (vocals/guitar), Graham Fagan (guitar), Danny Rooney (bass) and Cian McCluskey (drums) have been attracting a lot of attention lately – and with good reason. The band members all showed immense talent – both instrumentally and vocally, and certainly proved that they’re deserving of said attention. 

Photo credit – Hannah Claire

The evening began with an epic performance from Catty, a powerful pop Queen whose stage presence was nothing short of mind-blowing. Next up was Ellysse Mason– whose indie-pop style and poignant lyrics had the audience feeling all kinds of emotions. 

Photo credit – Hannah Claire

Modernlove opened their set with their latest single, Plans, and it was immediately evident that this was going to be a show packed with energy. The band continued the show with Ruin Your Night and until my heart stops beating from their recent E.P. Nightlife – which really brought out the energy of the crowd. 

Photo Credit – Hannah Claire

The setlist also included hit tracks 2 Missed Calls and Us, taking the show to another level – with what felt like everyone in the room singing along. 

Overall, it was a very strong crowd, but in particular, the fans pressed up against the barrier in the front row were truly incredible to watch – many of them barely seemed to take a breath for the duration of the set.  

Photo Credit – Hannah Claire

The Irish Indie-pop group are certainly ones to watch over the next couple of years, and it was fantastic to see them in such a beautiful venue. If this show is anything to go by, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them headlining arenas in the not-too-distant future – so go check them out now before they get to that level! 

Words & Photo Credit – Hannah Claire

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