After a 10 year wait, the outstanding Kids In Glass Houses return to Devon, in Exeter’s The Phoenix, and they definitely haven’t lost their vibe. Their stage performance, led by lead singer Aled Phillips, was just incredible, and not only a joy to watch but also wonderful to photograph.

First on stage, however, were Norwegian pop-punk band Sløtface. With their hits ‘Slumber‘ and ‘Nancy Drew‘, as well as newer songs ‘Ladies Of The Fight‘ and ‘Final Gørl‘, they really did their job of warming up a packed Exeter Phoenix. I remember hearing one of the security guards say “It’s unlikely there’ll be a mosh pit tonight”; but the band had other ideas and in their last song got into the crowd who circled around them! They were a fantastic band to watch live, don’t miss their UK headline tour later this year!

Then came the main event – greeted by one of the loudest cheers I’ve heard at any gig in Exeter. The 600 – cap venue erupted in a huge roar as the band waved, and got straight into the hit ‘Give Me What I Want‘ – or ‘Me Me Me’ – whichever name you prefer! 

From the off, Aled was constantly moving, his energy truly unmatched as a front man. Jumping and kicking around, as well as some showing off for the camera! I still think even after the many band’s I’ve photographed, that Kids In Glass Houses are by far one of the most energetic and fun bands I’ve done. Do not miss their 2000 Trees set!

Then came a trio of bangers – ‘Easy Tiger‘, ‘Peace‘ and ‘Girls‘ – all three songs came with cheers which grew ever louder. The crowd was absolutely immense, never stopped moving and never stopped singing or cheering for the band. 

The majority of the night’s songs came from their first two albums, ‘Smart Casual‘ and ‘Dirt‘. There were in fact only three songs not off of those two albums, which were ‘Novocaine‘, the aforementioned ‘Peace‘ and as a later debut for ‘Theme from Pink Flamingo‘. Some mentionable songs from those albums played included ‘The Best Is Yet To Come‘, ‘Undercover Lover‘ and ‘Fisticuffs‘ – all some of their biggest hits, but proving that their oldies are for sure still golden. 

Although there wasn’t a defined encore, the last three songs included a debut for ‘Theme from Pink Flamingo‘ – which was delayed by some slight technical problems. During this, Aled spoke about the football results and also their upcoming tour, as well as receiving a handheld fan from the crowd as theirs broke down on stage. He spoke about how “Wales will see England in the final in 4 years” [in the Euros] as well as how many people were trying to “sell their tickets for Portsmouth” the following night due to England playing in the semi – finals (we all now know how that one ended…)

Then came arguably their two biggest hits they’ve released. ‘Saturday‘ and ‘Matters At All‘ – both songs met with the loudest cheers of the evening, and a hell of a lot of bouncing, singing and screaming. It was one hell of an ending to a fantastic gig, even Aled saying himself “It’s the warmest warmup show they’ve ever had” . Ending with ‘Matters At All‘ was pretty fitting – the last lyrics being goodnight” – a perfect send off to a brilliant night with two brilliant bands.

It’s a 5 star show from me. One of my personal gigs of the year by a long way. I seem to say this a lot (I’m sure I’ve used that phrase in a review before! I need to stop going to such good gigs!) but it’s great to have them back in the scene, and I’m really looking forward to their new album to be released later this year.

Don’t miss Kids In Glass Houses on their tour later this year!
