We’re huge fans of Manchester’s indie sensation Spangled here at Northern Exposure, and last Friday’s show at Signature Brew: Haggerston in London (ft. support from Coral Palms and JEEBO) did not disappoint. They pointed out how it was great to see that a relatively unknown band with vibes similar to Liam Gallagher could still pack out a venue so far from home on the same night the man himself was playing in the same city at The O2, and I couldn’t agree more. It just goes to show that these Northerners always pull a crowd no matter what part of the country they’re in. Their love for their supporters far-and-wide is so evident, and it shows with how many familiar faces were chanting “let’s get f****** Spangled la la la la”.

It was my third time seeing these guys but my first time hearing their cracking new EP Always in Colour live, with their unrivaled baselines in an intimate yet electrifying atmosphere. Their newer songs such as Swordfish Trauma and The Road Ahead’ (which features an excerpt from the poem ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’ by Dylan Thomas’)  maintain the same vibe and energy of their older songs like GreenhillsSuperstar and Headspace whilst feeling completely fresh. 

Frontman Ben Johnson’s dynamic stage presence was, as ever, a highlight of the evening. Every time I see them perform, I marvel at his energetic dance moves and just how natural they seem to come to him despite the fact he contorts himself into all sorts of strange positions whilst maintaining excellent vocals. He’s also very funny, making jokes like “we did our best song 3rd in the set, what are we going to do now?” after they sang Home. You can see just how much fun this band has when they’re performing because it radiates through every part of their show: their dancing, their chemistry, and their smiles cannot be contained. 

One of the standout moments of the night was their performance of That Farm in Dunham a track that has quickly become a fan favourite. The song’s infectious melody and relatable lyrics had the entire venue singing along, creating a powerful sense of vulnerable unity among the audience. Songs like this and my personal favourite Good Life Better’ show their vast range when it comes to being able to provide high energy dance numbers but also songs with poignant lyrics which resonate deeply with anyone listening.

So all in all, I would very much advise you to Crank Up The Splendour and give their music a listen, but most importantly take the opportunity to catch these guys live (I already have plans to see them again later in the year, and can’t wait!) because once you’re in the know about them, you’ll want to take every chance to see them again. 

For more updates and tour dates, follow Spangled on social media and be sure to check out their latest releases on all major streaming platforms. 

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