New weekly feature reviewing some of our favourite new releases of the week


Grace & The Flat Boys © Andrew Perry

A mind-blowing fusion of soul, jazz, rock and blues with an injection of rap and hip hop, Ghosting by Edinburgh five piece Grace & The Flatboys will keep you on your toes for an awe inspiring 5 minutes of pure pleasure.

The first single release from their new EP Dark Glass // Rose Tint out later this month, Ghosting lyrically explores the challenges of modern dating and the the emotional turmoil it can leave. The lyrical concept of Ghosting is one which is all too relatable to listeners, but it’s that haunting melody and sinister jazz offbeat rhythms which leaves a luring lingering darkness. Bluesy Tubular Bells worthy guitar licks all work together to create something hauntingly beautiful.

Having dropped a second track from the forthcoming EP with Walk Away this week, there’s something spellbinding about front woman Grace’s voice that you kind of want to get on now.


The Rills

Keeping in the spooky season spirit it’s over to London post punk/garage rock trio The Rills and their brand new single – Bones. Not only a new track but an entire new era of The Rills. ‘We have decided to kill The Rills’ proclaims the trio last month on the build up to their Halloween released single.

Ahead of it’s release, The Rills‘ shared the following;

Bones is about a narcissistic lover, infatuated and blinded by desire, unaware of their own pitfalls. It’s about loving someone to death & it not being enough. Sometimes you’ve gotta look in the mirror if you want change. Sometimes we are blinded by our emotions. Sometimes you’ve gotta strip things back to their bare bones if you want them to last. This song is a nod to that feeling.

The Rills

The Rills appear to have traded some of their rougher edge side for a smarter, more polished pop aesthetic which quite frankly suits them well. Instantaneously catchy, the opening few bars alone will have you hooked. Having near smashed quarter of a million spotify streams in its first week, Bones surpasses any previous hits for the band. Perhaps killing The Rills wasn’t such a bad idea at all.


Televised Mind

Having only released their debut single Bittersweet Emotion in April this year, post-punk band Televised Mind have delivered their third single Masks. The rhythmic intro builds stimulously against the fury fuelled vocals, leaving a deep dent on the listener’s psyche.

On the striking single cover artwork, Televised Minds mastermind Ste Walker explains;

‘It perfectly captures the essence of the track; an unintentional exploration of societal norms and how at times, we can all find ourselves under pressure to act in certain ways.’

Ste Walker Televised Minds

Having had BBC Introducing air play for Masks, Televised Mind have also caught the ear of legendary TV presenter Frank Skinner with last single You Don’t Know Me gaining play on his Absolute Radio show. A track that channels the punky Idles-esque energy with a passionate prog momentum, Televised Mind are already looking like a strong local player.


Big Wheels © Paul Gallagher

Now this Aussie duo might be sipping their morning brew before we’re sitting down to our dinner here, but Sydney’s Big Wheels are no strangers to the UK. The pair, Cass Ford and Lawson Doyle, spent their summer months touring the UK where they signed to London’s iconic Marquee Records label who have released the uplifting What Are You Waiting For.

“This song is like the story of a lifetime. It’s always been floating around in the rehearsals, always unfinished. It wasn’t until we arrived in England in July, that the inspiration came….We want the track to bring a sense of self-empowerment to our listeners; something they can listen to and fuel the fire in their belly because at the end of the day, there’s no better time than now.”

Big Wheels

If, like many of us, this is your first encounter with the soft-rock sweethearts then it won’t be the last. Lawson’s voice is made for rock music; it’s a powerfully raw, attitude heavy with a naturally soulful edge. The delicacy of Cass’s emotive melodies delivers Stevie Nicks worthy energy. A classic rock song for a modern indie scene, Big Wheels combine their passion for rock ‘n’ roll, blues and country music to deliver an instant ear worming single.


Becky Sikasa © Susan McFadzean

Becky Sikasa’s newest single Hard To Love is most definitely not hard to love. The neo soul ‘future superstar in loading buffering mode‘ (BBC Introducing) has poured every ounce of her being into this track. Stripped back emotive vulnerability at it’s rawest, Hard To Love expresses the very personal struggle of feeling unworthy of love.

Reflecting on her own experiences of neurodiversity, the SAY Award shortlisted Becky Sikasa said;

a lot of qualities associated with adhd are often perceived as annoying, disruptive, careless. When for a lot of people the reality is exhaustion from the pressure, trying to function the way other people do, and from developing unhealthy masking or coping mechanisms, especially going undiagnosed. Those experiences can leave a mark on your self esteem, leave you feeling anxious – which is a pretty lonely place. Really, the song is for everyone who has days when they feel hard to love for whatever reason.

Becky Sikasa

That deeply vulnerable feeling is one which will resonate with so many. The emotional energy is conveyed seamlessly. The simplicity of the piano melody against Becky’s effortless soulful tone is all this song needs. Like a freshly lit fire on a cold winter’s day, Becky’s vocal melodies are comfortably warming. The German born Glasgow based singer is one to watch.

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