Live at Leeds in the Park Interview – Panic Shack

Welsh Punk outfit Panic Shack are the epitome of everything a punk band should be. They are self-taught, self-assured and simply hilarious. From learning to play their own instruments, to a tour supporting Yard Act, it’s been a hell of a journey for Panic Shack.

After the release of their debut EP Baby Shack in 2022 the Cardiff Quintet have made a name for themselves with their relatable lyrics and colourfully chaotic live shows – which move from mosh pits to synchronised dance moves without missing a beat.

The thing really sets Panic Shack apart is their sense of fun, on stage or off, this is a band that it is impossible to ignore.

We managed to steal the band for a chat in the sun, at this year’s Live at Leeds in the Park festival, before their closing set on the Dork Presents stage.

NE: So we’re here at Live at Leeds in the Park how are you enjoying the festival so far?

Sarah: Yeah it’s good, were excited! We don’t get weather like this in Wales.

NE: How did you end up starting a band?

Emily: Well me and Romi went to school together, then we basically went to loads of festivals and met these two. That was about 8 years ago.

Sarah: Cardiff’s pretty small so we gravitated towards each other.

Emily: And it’s almost a year to the day that Nick joined the band.

NE: You guys learnt to play your instruments in a year, how did you manage that?

Romi: Well you say learnt (laughing)

Meg: We just learnt 3 chords; it was a very learn on the job kinda thing

NE: That’s very Punk

Romi: Well yeah, we could only do Punk. I can’t play any songs other than our own songs (laughing).

Meg: We used YouTube a bit and tabs, once you learn how to bar a chord that’s all you really need. But Emily can actually play Bass.

Emily: If you ask me to point out any of the notes on the neck I dunno where it is, I just know the shape and the number of the frets.

NE: You’ve had a busy month, what have you been up to?

Romi: We had Get Together festival last week that was amazing and Bearded Theory yesterday. We had a headline tour earlier in the year as well, our first ever one that was really fun.

Meg: We’ve got Primavera coming up too, we fly out to Barcelona tomorrow.

NE: Is this what your summer is looking like then, just festival after festival?

Romi: Yeah, basically festivals and working, cause we all still work full time as well.

Emily: It’s all fun gigging and that but it means we have no time to write. So we’re just gigging, gigging, gigging.

Romi: Until everybody gets sick of us and they’re like “Right where’s the new songs.”

Emily: And how can you pass up all these class festivals in a row, you can’t be like “Nah sorry I’m working”. No chance.

NE: You’ve just been announced for Glastonbury too? How did that feel?

Romi: It’s funny really, when we first started we did a little manifestation thing where Sarah drew a picture of us playing on the Pyramid Stage. And now we’re going to be doing it.

Sarah: It was meant to be last year, I wrote 2022. (laughing).

NE: In honour of your track ‘The Ick’ (one of our favourites) what are your biggest icks?

Romi: Rock climbing! It’s everywhere on Hinge, one of my prompts is about how every man on there loves rock climbing.

Sarah: It’s funny to imagine them just before they go up the wall asking someone to take the picture. Who is taking those photos.

Emily: I know mine but I don’t wonna say it – trainer socks. (looking sheepishly at us both from NE wearing trainer socks)

Sarah: Having gunk in the corners of your mouth, but that’s disgusting on anyone.  

Keep an eye out for Panic Shack on festival line ups this summer

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