Despite still being subjected to claims of being an ‘industry plant’, multi-instrumental rock group The Last Dinner Party have gone to prove their hype is valid by achieving a record breaking number 1 album this week. The biggest selling debut album in its first week in nearly 9 years, the quintet sold an incredible 32,800 units of their debut ‘Prelude to Ecstasy‘ and hit the top spot of the UK Official Album Charts on Friday (09/02/24).

Treating fans to an intimate stripped back performance in Edinburgh’s stunning 18th Century venue The Caves, The Last Dinner Party played acoustic versions of tracks from their top selling album including a surprise cover.

The Last Dinner Party (Anne Kelly/Northern Exposure)

“We’ve been doing all of these in-store/out-stores acoustically and the plan was when we got to this one that we’d plug back in. But we’ve been enjoying it stripped back so much and letting you all hear these songs with the different arrangements so we decided to stick to it tonight…this is the one with the flute.” Abigail Morris (Vocals)

And with that, Emily (Roberts) breaths out the opening melody of ‘Beautiful Boy’ whilst simultaneously catching the breath of every soul crammed inside the walls of the ancient ‘Whiskey Row’ vaults. The enchanting ballad takes a new lease of life performed live in such a magnificent setting. Certainly no novice when it comes to the live game but I have to take a moment to acknowledge the unique silent ambience happening. There is literally no other sound, no crowd chit chat or mid way applause, just people stood still listening. Once ‘Beautiful Boy’ ends you could literally hear a pin drop. A moment of complete silence which is broken with Abigail’s endearing smile – as if to share permission to applaud.

The ambience remains as they introduce their second song ‘On Your Side‘. Another song which works beautifully acoustically, bringing the room to a standstill. Abigail (Morris) enchants her audience – flawless vocals, enriched with spine tingling emotion showered in captivating passion. Everybody’s gaze is fixed on these beautiful performers.

The Last Dinner Party (Anne Kelly/Northern Exposure)

It’s a short set from The Last Dinner Party this evening, coming in at just 40 minutes which also allows for a healthy dose of crowd interaction. Caesar on a TV Screen is dedicated to bassist Georgia (Davies) to welcome her back after suffering album launch week from bed at home with the Flu. Then of course, as the first live performance since their prestigious chart award, there is a uniquely special moment shared as Abigail thanks the room for their support. This show went on sale as part of an album bundle from Assai Records back in November and sold out instantaneously, proving just how hungry Scotland – and everywhere else for that matter – are for The Last Dinner Party.

The evening is packed with special moments and the next comes with the introduction to popular single ‘Sinner’ in which we are treated to its original rendition which is open by Lizzie (Mayland). An album tour ‘exclusive’ we are told, however devilishly hinted that may not be the case for very long. Popular album tracks ‘Portrait of a Dead Girl’ and ‘Mirror’ are well received by the crowd and with encouragement we are all now singing along.

‘We’ve only got a couple of songs left’ Abigail shares, ‘This one is a cover actually, and it’s one we have only ever performed live once before. You’ll know it from the first few bars’. Abigail is right and as soon as the opening few bars of what is – quite frankly – one of the sexiest songs ever sang, everybody knows what is coming. Chris Isaak’s ‘Wicked Game’ may be older than the young women on stage, but they own it and again, Abigail has her audience grasped in the palm of her hand.

Despite their allure and theatrical stage presence, this band are actually still very much adapting to a new comfort zone. Performing is one thing, but it’s clear that they are still humbled by their success. Barely able to string a coherent sentence together at times but Abigail’s endearing rambles just make The Last Dinner Party even more charming. After a generous dose of crowd interaction it’s time to say goodbye. Not ones to go quietly, it’s time for their biggest track to date – ‘Nothing Matters‘ – to be expelled into this characterful venue.

The Last Dinner Party (Anne Kelly/Northern Exposure)

We may have only been able to enjoy a stripped back 40 minutes of The Last Dinner Party this evening, however, they leave us with an innate hunger for more. Having no previous experience of what a ‘Last Dinner Party’ gig should look like, I am already imagining what the same songs performed to a larger crowd, fully electrified and not so time limited could be capable of. Expected to be a busy touring schedule of a year, The Last Dinner Party are due to conquer Europe in the coming weeks before landing in North America which includes an appearance at the iconic Coachella Music Festival. With a summer packed with festivals across the world – including their only announced UK festival appearance this year TRNSMT in July – the five piece will return for their biggest UK venue tour yet in the Autumn. Many dates are already sold out with the additional dates predicted to do go through same way within the weeks.


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