Spangled, where to start?
If you’ve got any idea about the Manchester indie scene, these guys will be on your radar. After first releasing music in 2019, the band were quickly picked up by the godfathers of emerging indie, This Feeling and have been climbing up festival line ups across the UK ever since.
It is impossible not to have fun at a Spangled show, not only are their songs perfectly crafted for a full crowd sing along, but their on stage energy (including lead singer Ben’s expressive dance moves) is deliciously infectious. Standing at the back with your arms crossed is just not an option. Even the most seasoned and cynical gig goer will find themselves accosted into having fun, simply because the 4 lads on stage are giving it their all: having as much fun as possible in the process.
Spangled really do encapsulate everything that is great about watching a young band on the cusp of bigger and greater things to come.
As a result Spangled are a band whose loyal gabble of fans/party animals are always ready to greet them at the barrier wherever they may be playing, even when that is 180 miles from their hometown.
Last weekend the band played Truck Festival, Oxfordshire’s annual indie extravaganza, and opened up the festival’s 2nd stage, the Market Stage.
We caught up with the band after their set, all still hyped from playing a packed out tent, and showing off their newest festival garms.
NE: So, we’re here at Truck, how are you finding the festival so far? Is this your first time here?
Niall: It’s real good, we’ve not done Truck before but it’s been a good first day.
NE: You drew a big crowd today despite your early set time, you opened up the Market Stage didn’t you?
Ben: I think we were lucky because of the where the stage is situated, it’s as soon as you come into the arena so people kinda just hear the noise and then filter in. Friday lunchtime is a good time too because people who are just getting here are like “Right let’s see who’s on.”
Niall: It was great because everyone who was there couldn’t have been more involved too, it was incredible. Thank you to everyone who came down, they were all incredible, every single one.
NE: How do you find playing down south as a northern band?
Ben: it’s generally a really good crowd to be honest.
Niall: Whenever we play in London the crowd is insane. When we played the Great Escape in Brighton everyone went mad for it there too.
NE: Do you have any pre-gig rituals to get you hyped to get on stage?
*All laugh*
Niall: Well, we do love a pre gig poo. It’s gotta be done, it seems to be a common theme throughout the band.
Ben: Yeah, if there’s a portaloo and Spangled are in town stay away from it. It’s not gonna look good.
Niall: it’s better out than in as Shrek always said.
NE: You played a new track today; can you tell us some more about it?
Ben: It’s called Little Tom, it’s about my cousin, he’s a footballer. He got a tattoo of Good Life Better so as a way of giving back we wrote a song about him. It’s basically a hype tune for one specific person.
Ironically the whole family calls him Little Tom because he was little when he was born but now he’s about 6 ft 1. – He’s big anyway.
NE: We’ll have to keep an eye out for him
Ben: You can’t miss him he’s a fucking giant.
NE: I guess that isn’t your usual writing process, to go away and think “Let’s write a song about this”
Ben: Yeah, I mean Little Tom was quite specific, but usually Jamie will send me the music and I’ll be like “Okay I’ll write some random stuff to this”- it depends what mood I’m in.
NE: What else can we expect from you this year?
Jamie: Great, great things can be expected. *dramatic pause*
We’ll have a single coming out in the next few months, then we’ll be building towards our next EP that’ll be on the horizon soon.
NE: What are three things you can’t live without at a festival?
Ben: Beer, Fitzroy Holt and vintage shops.
Niall: Yeah, we all went vintage shopping on the first day and we all came away with a new jacket.
Ben: Yeah, this Berghaus cost me £20.
Niall: £20 for this Dickies coat! Headlock Vintage Clothing, please sponsor us. We’d be kitted.
Jamie: We’d be sorted for the rest of our lives it would be great.
NE: Anything else you want to shout about before we wrap things up?
Ben: Anything you want to say Nathan?
Nathan: *Shrugs* Nope.
Ben: A man of many words and drumsticks.
Spangled will play This Feeling by the Sea on Friday 18th August, before returning home for their biggest headline yet at Manchester’s Gorilla on the 4th of November, for tickets head to: Spangled | (