Vanderlye release ‘incredibly cinematic’ new single ‘Romantic Anarchy’
Scotland is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to good music,and the latest offering from Glasgow’s Vanderlye is proof enough. In the short time of the band being together, they have performed at many of their city’s venues including Nice ‘N’ Sleazy and St Luke’s and been praised within the Scottish music scene and beyond.
‘Romantic Anarchy’ much like the band’s preceding release ‘This Plastic Ego’ has an incredibly cinematic quality that feels as if it were plucked straight out of the soundtrack of a 90’s romcom. The simplicity of opening the song with just vocals and piano enhances the quality of the lyrics, which draw inspiration from the experience of dating in the modern age and the feelings surrounding it. The track builds beautifully with the addition of the rest of the band in the first chorus which helps to keep it engaging despite the slow tempo. The combination of vocalists’ Sean and Becky’s harmonies, although only occurring a handful of times, create some really special moments that display how perfect of a match their voices are and how balanced and thought out the sound of the track is, as it never feels overpowering.
photo credit: Lucy Cheyne
One of the best parts of this song is the build into the final chorus, which strips backs to just piano and guitar for a few bars before building back up to end with an anthemic reprise of the chorus. This emotional release would really lend itself to a live performance, similar to when DMAs perform their song ‘Silver’ and everyone in the crowd is singing with everything they’ve got creating a real tear jerking atmosphere.
This is only the beginning for the band, as they are set to play Stirling’s Tolbooth at the end of the month with fellow Scots, Human Renegade and Santeria, and additionally release their first EP which features ‘Romantic Anarchy’ along with the band’s four previous singles later this year.