Partner, admin manager and editor.

I joined the team back in May when a friend forwarded me a post they shared looking for contributors. I got in touch and before I knew it I was interviewing some of the best upcoming bands in the country for the Lakefest AMPED competition. 

I’ve always loved music and been a keen writer but lost my way after having my kids quite young.

I have a BA in Media Communications and my day job is managing a small community library which I love. I rediscovered my passion for music a couple of years ago and what started as a trip down nostalgia lane has developed into a fiery passion and hopefully career path one day.

I’m always looking for my new favourite band and despite crossing over to the critics’ side, I am first and foremost a fan and that will always come first. I’m always at my happiest in the middle of a sweaty cramped venue with loud music. It’s my fuel and I always feel privileged to be given the opportunities that I have.

I live in Central Scotland so naturally I pick up anything this side of the border which I have turned into ‘Scottish Exposure’. Scotland has such an incredible new music scene that there is no shortage of artists worth covering – way more than I can ever do justice for but I will try! 

I feel Rachel, Sophie, Holly and myself make a great working team. We all do this voluntarily through sheer passion for the music and share similar ambition for Northern Exposure.


Partner and Photogragher

Heya!!! My names Hol and I’m a proudly Mancunian music photographer and journalist (born and bred I promise). Live music’s been a massive part of my life for years, from the first time I felt the vibrations of a kick drum in my chest during a line check, to getting my vans stuck on that iconic Ritz ballroom floor. I was born to love live music and I wouldn’t be the person I am without it.

I’m very lucky to work with the artists I do, however I’m even more privileged to run Northern Exposure with three other incredible women – not everyone is as lucky to call their passion their job.