New York is full of talent, regardless of whether these talents have been born and raised there,
or have moved seeking the motivational momentum that the city has to offer. Been Stellar are quickly putting their name on the map of music, and within New York’s timeless history of being home to such varied talents. However, alongside the highs of each city, there are lows.
“Scream from New York, NY” is a record that showcases these highs and lows, toying with
tempos to represent the fluctuations of everyday life. From heartbreak to hope, Been Stellar’s
debut album is an honest soundtrack, incorporating elements of life we will all resonate with at some point.

Been Stellar

Having worked with producer Dan Carey [Wet Leg and Squid], it was clear from the outset that
this record would make an impact. Opening track ‘Start Again’ is a striking and memorable
introduction. Upon a foundation of lively basslines from Nick Brunstein, Sam Slocum’s vivid vocals shine a light on the turmoil and topics many face. Joining both Brunstein and Slocum are guitarists Nando Dale and Skyler Knapp with drummer Laila Wayans completing the five- piece lineup. Lines in ‘Start Again’ like, “he drinks himself sick,” portray ruthless realisations of living in cities like New York.

Such vivid vulnerability, honesty and observational songwriting is prevalent in material from many upcoming acts, including groups such as Fontaines D.C. and Wunderhorse. Songs like
penultimate track ‘All In One’, ‘Can’t Look Away’ and ‘Shimmer’ all share the likeness with
Fontaines D.C. with gritty guitar riffs, heavier playing styles and vocals that melt into the already mesmerising melodies. While the musical similarities between groups like them can be easy to spot, this doesn’t take away from the individuality that Been Stellar are imposing. With this record, they have created a sound of their own and by including their own personal experiences and backgrounds, it provides further intrigue as their musical talents are combined with raw writing.

‘Pumpkin’ is my personal top pick from the album, alongside the record’s final track ‘I Have the Answer’. ‘Pumpkin’ is a slower song, much like ‘Sweet’ and ‘Takedown’ and is what Slocum
has described as a “sonic departure” for Been Stellar. With ‘Pumpkin’ bringing in aspects from
their previous material and ‘I Have the Answer’ concluding the record perfectly, they are two
different tracks that both still have significant impact. The latter track reassures listeners that,
“just for a while,” you will find the answers you need, despite what you may be facing.
Tracks like ‘Sweet’ and ‘Takedown’ provide slower yet still impactful alternatives to that of more
energetic tunes like lead single ‘Passing Judgment’. However regardless of how much energy a track on this record has, everything is intentional with Been Stellar. They have a message behind each song, especially in the title track, ‘Scream from New York, NY’.

As the title track, this song automatically has a little more pressure and anticipation placed upon
it. All of this anticipation and excitement for the title track, and the entire record, has been met
with success. Through a lyrical goldmine, Been Stellar have conceptualised general life with
phrases like, “if they could hear the picture, it’d sound like this.” The lyrics, “but they don’t
complain about the noise from above, the neighbours hear the screams enough,”
effortlessly encapsulates the entire purpose of the debut record. This debut album from Been Stellar is one like no other. It may sound like a cliche to say that there is something for everyone, but there truly is. No matter what your musical taste or preferences includes, we will each face challenges in life but will have our equal share of
successes, even if it doesn’t feel like it. “Scream from New York, NY” captures this, and gives/
the reassuring sentiment that they recognise and acknowledge these lows alongside the highs.
