Jane's Addiction (Morris Shamah/Northern Exposure)

Jane’s Addiction burned through London’s Bush Hall on Thursday for a night of firsts. The intimate warm up show ahead of their UK tour marked the band’s first performance in the UK in 8 years, the band’s first performance with the classic line up in 14 years, the first ever performance of new song “Imminent Redemption,” and the first performance of ballad “True Love” with guitarist Dave Navarro, who’s been absent from the road with long covid for the past few years. But enough of the stats.

The pioneering alternative rock quartet muscled their way through an hour long set in the tiny, 400 capacity room. Adorned with minimal staging – some stage lights and a red curtain backdrop – the legendary group and their fans proved the excess was unnecessary when you’ve got a catalog as heavy as theirs. Long time classics like “Ain’t No Right” and “Mountain Song” were met with roars of appreciation and passionate headbanging from the front of the stage to the balcony. The two new songs were met with respectful listening – at no point was there an exodus to the bar or the toilets. Lead singer Perry Farrell’s voice and vocal manipulations carry just as much delicate power as always, and Dave Navarro’s absence from the stage did nothing to dull his chops, his guitar wailing like a banshee and cutting through like a chainsaw with every searing, scorching solo.

Perry broke from singing for only a handful of moments to decry the modern political system and give a lament for the environmental state of our planet. “Redemption is about forgiveness, and then doing the right thing. And then lets get this planet rocking the right way” he preached before the first new track, “Imminent Redemption.”

credit Dror Nahum via YouTube

Bassist Eric Avery, who returned to the band in 2022, rumbled on the low end, his bass absolutely pummeling in such a small room. The synergy between Eric and drummer Stephen Perkins cannot be denied – especially on the second new track, “True Love,” which is anchored by Stephen’s tom-heavy drumline:

credit Dror Nahum via YouTube

True Love” proved to be the only moment of calm in the set. This was not a night for thinking or introspection, this was a celebration of almost 40 years of heavy, left-of-center rock and roll with 400 of their closest fans. Closing the set with the ten-minute multipart opus “Three Days,” complete with extended guitar and drum solos and Eric Avery throwing his bass down on the stage, Jane’s Addiction proved that, well, they’ve got nothing to prove to anyone.

1. Kettle Whistle
2. Ain’t No Right
3. Whores
4. Ted, Just Admit It..
5. Imminent Redemption^
6. Then She Did…
7. Stop!
8. Mountain Song
9. Been Caught Stealing
10. True Love*
11. Ocean Size
12. Three Days

^Debut, unreleased
*First time played with Dave Navarro, unreleased
Summertime Rolls was setlisted but not played

Jane’s Addiction are touring the UK and Europe through July. Tickets are available at janesaddiction.com

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