There is something sincerely special about Glasgow’s Rianne Downey. Just a mere 23 years young, Rianne has rocketed her way into the limelight this year. Releasing two sensational EP’s within the first half of 2023, taking the place of Jacqui Abbott alongside Paul Heaton (The Beautiful South/The Housemartins) at major UK festivals this summer and now selling out a special homecoming appearance at Glasgow’s own SWG3 TV Studio. Would the hype of the evening live up to expectation or did it all just fall a bit flat in the end? Let’s see what happened.

It’s a sharp start for the first of two local support acts this evening. First up is Glasgow newbie singer/songwriter Callum Stewart who comes armed with nothing more than his acoustic guitar. A set full of original music and developing charisma, the young lad does a grand job opening the evenings line up. At points looking a little out of his depth but understandably so. Without his usual backing band The Marauders, it’s just Callum and his guitar. There’s talent brewing here and with experience, this Glasgow guy could well start popping up across the local scene.

Next on this evening’s line up were Celtic Punks Brògeal. Full of charmful attitude and infectiously upbeat traditional music, Falkirk band Brògeal deliver stage presence is unmatched this evening. It’s not often two lead vocalists work so well together, but these guys have it spot on. All five band members intertwine their talents impeccably. Tune after tune, they guys just keep the momentum flaring for their short set and win over many unsuspecting Rianne fans this evening. Having spent most of 2023 extensively touring – including a monthly residency at Glasgow’s popular music halt, McChuills – Brògeal have fine tuned their performance to something so timeless it could be shared across the globe.

After such a dynamic set from Brògeal, you’d be let off the hook for forgetting this evening’s main event was yet to kick off. Packed with barely elbow room to spare, it’s finally time for Rianne to make her stage debut.

Precisely timed, the familiar sound of Glen Campbell’s Rhinestone Cowboy fills the air, building the anticipation for our very own rhinestone embroidered rodeo, Rianne Downey. Alongside her equally spectacular band, they delve straight into tracks from 2021’s debut Fuel To The Flame. Soaking up the moment, Rianne looks genuinely in awe at the voices singing back at her and overcome with pure joy her pride shines from every angle.

For anybody who follows Rianne closely will know that this is the tour that may never have been. Like many around this time of year, the lurgy struck and Rianne was forced to postponed and reschedule five dates until next Spring. With concerns that she wouldn’t push her voice to it’s usual limits, it was a pleasant surprise she delivered her biggest vocal track yet, Method To My Madness. I don’t think there was a single hair not stood on its end for this magical moment. Overcome with emotion, personally I don’t remember ever being so lost in the moment than I did during this performance. Nothing less than breathtaking, it validates exactly why this room is so densely packed this evening.

Just months ago, Rianne was playing to 300 at Glasgow’s King Tut’s, low and behold between then and now she would be guest appearing with music elite across the biggest festivals in the UK with Paul Heaton. Playing tribute to the former Beautiful South and Housemartins singer, she performs a flawless rendition of Rotterdam. Just what the room needed to kickstart a bit of movement in the crowd following the intensity of the past few songs.

New single Beautiful View is anticipated with Rianne sharing her pride of just how far she has come,
‘Playin’ my guitar in my old bedroom
Standin’ on Buchanan, tryna hold a tune
Told myself there’s nothin’ more, guess that wasn’t true
‘Cause now I’m out here lookin’
It’s a beautiful view.‘
Those lyrics are undeniably poignant for this evenings show. When you combine Rianne’s genuine aghast with with the patriotic charm that comes from a homecoming gig, it’s a magical moment. To bring the show to an anthemic high , Rianne turns to her cover of the Dougie Mclean classic Caledonia and her own patriotic homage effort, Home. There’s an enigmatic sense of unity flowing through the crowd – glasses (well plastic cups) being raised, friend embracing and a few held back tears finally being let down.

A shining star in the making, Rianne Downey is not one who will fade away quickly. She has poured her heart and soul into her thriving musical career and I genuinely believe it will continue to reward her for decades to come.