We are BOLD LOVE, a band from Dublin, Donegal and Kildare in Ireland. We are Jack Cody, Anton Shovlin, Cian Ó Maonlaí, Adam Curtis, Megan Nic Ruairí and Dan Aherne.

How would you describe your music? 

I’m not great with genres! Indie rock/pop maybe but we like to take our songs wherever they need to go. We all come from different musical backgrounds so our music is a result of all those influences. 

Tell us about the inspiration behind your latest release ‘Talking and Drifting’.

‘Talking & Drifting’ is a love song at its core really. It’s an attempt at putting into words the thrill and dizziness of early-stage love, so yeah it’s inspired by that feeling. 

You recently went under a name change, when did this happen and why was it important to make this change now? 

We did indeed. There are a few companies out there called Big Love so we wanted to change the name before it was too late, before the lawsuits start to roll in. 

What are the biggest challenges of being in a six piece band? Do you guys always get on? 

The only challenge with there being six of us is splitting the money! Other than that honestly it feels like a good balance, we all get on really well but yeah if someone is wrecking your head there are lots of us so you can just pick someone else to talk to. 

You are soon to be going on tour with Cliffords, are there any particular cities or venues you are looking forward to performing in? 

We’re very excited for Nottingham in particular because our Meg grew up there so it’ll be a special one for her. She’ll be wearing her Forest Jersey and they’re doing so well this season so it should be a buzz! 

Your debut EP is set for release later this year. What can you share about the songs on that one? Are there any tracks in particular that stand out as being more personal than the others? If so, how?  

Yeah there are some personal ones. Most of our songs are really personal and introspective I think. There’s one in particular that is about something very specific to me so it is deeply personal but I think universal too. So hopefully it resonates. 

How do you feel about the Irish music scene right now? Do you have any favourite bands or artists at the moment?

The scene is thriving for sure, it’s deadly to see people connecting to Irish music all around the world and that it’s so appreciated at the minute. There are so many Irish musicians that I’m loving at the minute. 

Bricknasty are ridiculous and probably my favourite band right now. J Smith is an artist who I admire hugely, I was at a show of his the other night in Dublin and I was really blown away. 

There are so many more but they’re two that came to mind. 

What do you feel is the most challenging thing about being in a band right now?

Not much money floating around. It would be nice if royalties were a fair representation of the work musicians and bands put in. 

Finally, if you could write a song with anybody, who would it be and why? 

James Brown, it would be some craic I’d say.

BOLD LOVE will be heading out on tour in the UK with Cliffords in April, so make sure to get down early and catch their set. Tickets are ON SALE NOW.
